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Revitalize Your Energy – Tracing The Wall Qigong

Tracing the Wall is a simple, yet powerful exercise that teaches you to focus your breath in your lower abdomen, in the area the Chinese call the Dantian, located about three inches directly behind your navel.

Experience the benefits of breathing from your Dantian:

  • Enhanced Health
  • Revitalized Energy
  • Boosted Immunity
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Calculate My Chinese Astrology

Each hour, day, month, and year correlate to one of twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac so that each person has an astrology chart made up of four animal signs, one for their hour, day, month, and year.

There are both lunar and solar-based Chinese calendar systems, so you will find differences in the starting and ending dates of certain years and months between different sources’ calendars depending on whether you are looking at a solar or lunar calendar or one that combines both.

Calculate Here
Lily Romaine Shank, coordinator of programs and outreach, read one of Stuart’s books in 2007 and moved to Phoenix from Minneapolis, Minnesota to study with him. Her main focuses are cultivating health, mindfulness, and compassion through Taoism.
Miso is the master of relaxed alertness and active-non-action at the Sanctuary of Tao. She doesn't do much all day long, yet everything around her gets done. She inspires us with the way she follows her Tao of sincerity, gentleness, and silence (except when she wants a treat).

Our whole team is looking forward to getting to know you and supporting you on your path! 

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